Professional Practice Sales and Dr. Tim Cartwright provide chiropractic practice valuations in Aurora and nationwide.
There are numerous reasons for obtaining a professional and accurately documented valuation of your Aurora or nearby chiropractic practice. They include:
- To Obtain Financing
- Partnership Agreements/Planning
- Mergers
- Practice Sales
- Practice Purchases
- For Sale by Owner Activities
- Buyouts
- Divorces & Asset Reporting
- Exit Strategy
- Estate Planning
- And More
Sooner or later it’s imperative that doctors know and understand the true worth of their practice. Professional Practice Sales specifically provides valuations to chiropractic clinics like yours, nationwide. A quick call or email can begin the process of understanding and documenting your practice’s real value, and the process can be handled via phone, email and fax. It’s easier than you might think. Some information that’s required to produce your valuation includes pictures, equipment list, and tax returns.

Professional Practice Sales & Dr Tim Cartwright provide chiropractic practice valuations in Aurora and nationwide.
With over 40 years as a successful Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Tim Cartwright understands the subtle nuances, terminology, equipment, treatment styles, client base/behavior and other factors associated with chiropractic practices. Additionally, as a licensed realtor and with over a decade of experience in the sale of chiropractic practices, Dr. Cartwright is more than qualified to guide you in understanding the value of your practice and producing a documented valuation for your personal or legal purposes.
While face-to-face meetings for valuations and clinic sales are provided only in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Florida at this time, chiropractic practice valuations ARE provided long-distance for practices in Aurora and all other cities and states across the US.
If you’ve been asking yourself:
- How do I calculate the value of my chiropractic practice?
- How much is my chiropractic practice worth?
- Or, who can provide a professional valuation of my chiropractic practice in Aurora?…
Then take a brief moment to reach out to Professional Practice Sales and Dr. Tim Cartwright via phone or email. Fell free to use our Contact page. We’ll reach out to you in a timely manner to begin the process of producing your practice valuation and/or answer your questions and concerns.
*The valuation report is confidential and becomes the property of the doctor that pays the valuation fee.
For Valuation Assistance:
Call: (734) 735-0768
Text: (734) 735-0768
Email: [email protected]
Or use the form below.
Comments or questions are welcome.
You may also request to have access to the Chiropractic Abstracts.